Staff of Laboratory.


Svetov Boris Sergeevich – chief scientific researcher, Dr. Sci .Tech., professor. Has ended the Moscow geological  prospecting institute in 1953 and mechanical-mathematical faculty of the Moscow State University in 1964. The expert in the field of the theory and practice of application of electromagnetic fields for the solution of geological problems. The author more than 150 scientific publications, including 7 monographers. Among them:

- The theory, a technique and interpretation of materials of low-frequency electroprospecting.

Ì.Nedra, 1973, 254 p.

- Electrodynamic bases 0f quasistationary geoelectrics. M.USSR Ac. Sc, 1984, 183 p

- Analytical solutions of electrodynamic problems (in the co-authorship with V.P.Gubatenko).

Ì. Nauca, 1988, 343p.

- Theoretico--information bases of geophysical methods of investigation. M.Geoinformmark, 1992, 72 p.

Last years the basic scientific interests are related to development of understanding of interaction of variable physical fields (elastic and EM) with the real geological media (methods SE and IP).


Ageev Vladimir Viktorovich Head of Laboratory, PhD of physical and mathematical sciences. Has ended geological faculty of the Moscow State University in 1978. Area of scientific interests - development of electromagnetic methods of sounding of the Earth for the solution of geological problems. Special interest to studying IP processes in rocks, to the influence of frequency dispersion of conductivity on results EM soundings and to correlation of IP processes with petrophysical properties of rocks; to development of hardware and  methodical questions, to performance of field works for the solution of concrete geological problems and interpretation of the received data.


Alexandrov Paul Nikolaevich - leading scientific researcher, D/ Sc. of physical and mathematical sciences. Has ended geological faculty of the Saratov State  University. Area of scientific interests - theoretical bases of geophysical methods of research of the Earth. The basic scientific results are related to studying interaction of EM fields with anisotropic and bianisotropic media. Now scientific interests are concentrated on the analytical and numerical solution of direct problems and development of methods of the solution of inverse problems for such media and research SE effect of the second type.


Ageeva Olga Anatolievna –leading scientific researcher. PhD of geological sciences. Has ended geological faculty of the Saratov State  University. Last years the basic scientific activity is related to studying  of interaction of elastic and EM fields with geological media in bore hole and laboratory conditions and development on this basis SE methods of studying a structure of rocks, first of all their filtration and capacitor properties in application to oil-gas geology.


Karinsky Sergey Dmitrievich – senior scientific researcher. Has ended geophysical faculty of the Moscow  geological prospecting institute (1974) and mechanical-mathematical faculty of the Moscow State University (1976), PhD of physical and mathematical sciences (1989) Area of interests: processing of geophysical data, the solution of direct problems of geoelectrics.

Êåvorkiants Suren Sergeevich – leading scientific researcher, PhD of technical sciences.. The basic scientific interests: development of the theory and  of methods of calculation of EM fields in  layered anisotropic media, the theory and interpretation of radio wave methods,  numerical methods of the solution of SE problems.


Kuksa Jury Ivanovich - senior scientific researcher. The author more than 50 scientific publications. Area of scientific interests: EM soundings, the forecast of earthquakes, EM monitoring, deep EM sounding of the Earth's crust with application MHD generator.