4. Electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamic processes

The basic feature of the variant EМ monitoring, developed in laboratory, consists in reception simultaneous information on EМ field of an internal (geodynamic) origin in observable magnetotelluric (MT) magnetovariation (MV) field and on MT and MV transfer functions. With the purpose of precise separation of EМ field of an internal origin an algorithm of damping of external EМ field is developed. It is based on use of linear relation between components of this field. So, for example, electric component of magnetotelluric field in a point of observation is related to variations of a magnetic field by formula:

Here - variations of component of EМ fields. - pulse transients of elements of impedance matrix Z. - the residual field describing contribution of EМ fields of an internal origin. Before statement of monitoring are defined. Further with the help of found  and  and observable variations of a magnetic field  the  the synthesized electric field is calculated. Then in the assumption that  vary considerably more slowly than variations of field  a residual field  is defined. On the basis of application of adaptive algorithm of definition of pulse transients and a residual signal the opportunity of realization of monitoring in quasi-real time as on residual fields , and on change in time of transfer functions is realized. This algorithm is realized in working breadboard computerized  measurement complex for magnetotelluric monitoring. With the help this complex monitoring in seismoactive areas of Northern Tien Shan and Caucasus is performed.

           The basic publications:

1. B.S.Svetov, S.D.Karinsky, J.I.Kuksa, V.I.Odintsov. Magnetotelluric  monitoring of geodynamic processes // Physics of the Solid Earth, 1997.N 5.p.36-46.

2. B.S.Svetov, S.D.Karinskij, Yu. I.Kuksa, and V.I.Odintsov. Magnetotelluric Monitoring of Geodynamic Processes //. Physics of the Solid Earth. Vol.33. No.5.1997.pp.372-381.

3. Boris S. Svetov, Sergej D. Karinskij, Yurij I. Kuksa and Vladdimir I. Odintsov. Magnetotelluric monitoring of geodynamic processes // ANNALI GEOFISICA. VOL. XL, N.2, Marth 1997. pp.435-443.